A team led by the Chief Election Commissioner of India, Rajiv Kumar, comprising 17 members, has been in Hyderabad for the past three days to assess the state of readiness for the upcoming elections in Telangana. During their visit, Rajiv Kumar and his team engaged with various stakeholders, including political parties and government officials. In a press briefing, Kumar reiterated the Election Commission’s commitment to conducting free, fair, transparent, and inducement-free elections.
Ensuring Integrity in Telangana Polls
Rajiv Kumar made it clear that the Election Commission would be vigilant about two key issues during the Telangana elections:
1. Combating Money Power
The Chief Election Commissioner emphasized that money power in elections would be closely monitored. Enforcement agencies are expected to take action against any violations related to the use of money to influence the electoral process. Kumar stated, “If they (enforcement agencies) do not act, we will make them act.”
2. Curbing Freebies Distribution
In addition to monitoring money power, the Election Commission will keep a watchful eye on the distribution of freebies. Parties and candidates attempting to lure voters with inducements will face strict scrutiny. Kumar reassured reporters that as the election date approaches, they will assess and ensure that enforcement agencies act decisively on these issues.
Commitment to Fair Elections
The Election Commission’s primary objective is to ensure that the upcoming Telangana elections are conducted with the highest degree of integrity. Rajiv Kumar’s visit to Hyderabad and his meetings with stakeholders demonstrate the commission’s dedication to achieving this goal. The commission’s unwavering commitment is to uphold the principles of democracy and provide the citizens of Telangana with a fair and transparent electoral process.
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