Director Midhun Manuel Thomas returns with a new crime drama, “Abraham Ozler.” Known for his work in “Anjaam Pathiraa,” Thomas introduces a brooding titular character played by Jayaram. The trailer sets the stage for a gripping narrative, revealing a guilt-ridden investigator who brings food to a prisoner, hinting at a mysterious and dark past.
Unraveling the Plot
The protagonist, Ozler, portrayed as an insomniac on the edge, declares that there’s no place for people like him even in hell. The storyline takes a twist with an unsolvable case, leaving viewers wondering if it will absolve him of past sins or bring forth suppressed trauma.
Jayaram’s Unexpected Role
Jayaram, primarily known for his comedic roles, surprises audiences by seamlessly stepping into the dark and intense character of Ozler. The film explores familiar crime drama territory, but Jayaram’s comfort in the role adds an intriguing element to the narrative.
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