Bihar Board 10th Result 2025: When Will the Matric Results Be Announced?

The wait for the Bihar Board 10th Result 2025 is almost over, with signs indicating that the BSEB matric results will be announced shortly. According to updates, the results can be accessed on the official websites, and The result declaration is expected between March 28 and 31, 2025.

How to Check Bihar Board 10th Result 2025:

Students will be able to check their results online on the above-mentioned websites. After the announcement, students can also access their results through DigiLocker or the DigiLocker app. To view the results, students will need to enter their roll code and roll number.

Additionally, the result will also be available on

Expected Release Date:

While the Bihar Board has mentioned that the results may be declared by March 31, students are hopeful that the results could be announced earlier, potentially by March 28, before the Eid celebrations. With the student union elections on March 29 and March 30 being a Sunday, there are speculations that the board may expedite the process.

Bihar Board Chairman’s Statement:

BSEB Chairman, Anand Kishore, has confirmed that the preparation for the release of the results is in its final stages and that the 10th result will be out by March 31 at the latest.

Additional Information:

Once the results are announced, students can easily access them by logging into the websites or DigiLocker. This year, the results will be published with all the necessary details, including individual subject marks and the overall performance.

Stay tuned for more updates as the Bihar Board prepares to announce the 2025 matric results.

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