The last end of the week in May 2021 has shown up and with it, the Motorhead Challenge. BitLife has experienced an intriguing time with regards to 2021. With the code combine formally complete, Android and iPhone clients presently have the entirety of similar updates, and now, we can just anticipate that more information should deliver in regards to the fate of the game. During the current end of the week, the current test accessible is known as the Motorhead Challenge.

Here are the entirety of the assignments you need to do to finish the Motorhead Challenge.
- Become a specialist
- Have 5+ vehicles in amazing condition
- Perform routine support on your vehicles 30+ occasions
- Perform 10+ fixes on your vehicles
- Have a 30+ year old vehicle
This test is tied in with having an assortment of vehicles and dealing with them. The primary test is to turn into a repairman. It’s a calling you can begin following you leave secondary school. You don’t have to have any proper instruction or preparing for it, so in the event that you discover it in the occupations area, acknowledge it, and that will be the initial segment of the test.
Bitlife Vehicle Ownership
Then, you need to have in excess of five vehicles in your ownership that are in amazing condition. You can find out about the state of your vehicle by going to the resources area to see its condition. For an ideal condition vehicle, you need to bar underneath it to be full. We energetically suggest just buying 5 vehicles from the resources page and adding them to your stock. Doing this all simultaneously will be the most ideal approach to complete this assignment.
From that point onward, you’ll need to perform routine upkeep on your vehicles multiple times. You can do this once per year with each vehicle, and it’ll cost a specific value each time. You can do this from the resources page while looking at a vehicle and clicking to give it upkeep. Since you can do it once every year, the more vehicles you’re dealing with, the more possibilities you need to finish it. Probably, it’ll require 30 years to do this.
From time to time, your vehicles will require fixes. A vehicle must be fixed if there is a major issue with it, so the more you have vehicles, the higher your odds of something happening to it, compelling you to give it fixes. We suggest not scratching or disposing of your more established vehicles to ensure you meet this rules.
The last test is to have a vehicle for a very long time. This can possibly check if the vehicle can in any case drive. To ensure the vehicle keeps on working, make a point to perform support on it once per year, and you fix any issues it has as fast as could really be expected.
Whenever you’ve finished those assignments, you’ll have completed the test, and you’ll have the option to select your appearance thing for your BitLife account.