Top Indian wrestlers, including Vinesh Phogat, Bajrang Punia, Sakshi Malik, Satyawart Kaidyan, and Jitender Kinha, wore black bands on their foreheads on Thursday, marking their 18th day of protesting against the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief, Brij Bhushan Singh.
Allegations of Sexual Exploitation
The wrestlers are demanding the arrest of Brij Bhushan Singh, who is accused of sexually exploiting several female wrestlers, including an underage athlete. The Delhi Police have charged the BJP MP with two FIRs, one of which is under section 10 of the POCSO act. The MP has denied all allegations.
Black Day Protest
The wrestlers and their supporters observed a ‘Black Day’ as a symbol of protest against the WFI chief. They wore black bands on their arms, showing their solidarity with the movement. “Day by day, our protest is gaining momentum, and we will continue to fight till we get justice,” the protesting wrestlers stated.
Growing Support
On Thursday, women from Punjab representing the Bharat Kishan Union Ekta (Azad) arrived at Jantar Mantar to express their support for the wrestlers’ cause.
The Indian wrestling community continues to protest against the WFI chief, demanding justice for the alleged victims of sexual exploitation. The wrestlers’ movement has gained momentum, with growing support from across the nation.
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