In the tenth and final film of the popular action franchise, lead star and producer Vin Diesel, Rapper Cardi B will take over its Fast 9 character. In the upcoming film, the hip-hop star will play Leysa, who is linked to Diesel’s Dom.
Only in time, she made it. She just arrived in ‘Fast 9’ “, said Diesel. The second Cardi B film outing is ‘Fast 9,’ because its role in ‘Hustlers’ in the 2019 crime drama.
Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, Tyrese Gibson, Chris also played the ninth instalment of the Action-Drama franchise.
“Ludacris” Bridges, Sung Cena and Michael Rooker are the new addition to the “Ludacris” Bridges, Nathalie Emmanuel, Charlis Theron, Helen Mirren and Kurt Russell.
Fast & Furious is a media franchise focusing on a number of action films which focus mainly on illegal road racing, heists, spies and the family.
The franchise also consists of short films, TV series, live shows, video games and attractions at the theme park. Universal pictures are distributed.
The first film, The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, was released back in 2001 and culminated in an original film trilogy focusing on illegal street racing (2006).
The series turned to Fast & Furious (2009), with the latest F9 released in 2021. The series was followed by five sequences. A tenth and eleventh film, known collectively as The Fast Saga, is scheduled.