In a significant ruling, the Delhi High Court has quashed the Centre’s 1987 eviction notice to the Indian Express. The court described the move as a deliberate attempt to muzzle the press, emphasizing the vital role of a free and independent media in a democratic society.
Background of the 1987 Eviction Notice
The eviction notice was issued by the Centre in 1987, targeting the Indian Express Group. The notice aimed to evict the newspaper from its premises, a decision that has been challenged in court for decades.
Court’s Verdict: Upholding Press Freedom
In its judgment, the Delhi High Court strongly criticized the Centre’s actions, stating that the eviction notice was a clear attempt to suppress the press. The court underscored the importance of allowing media organizations to operate without undue interference from the government.
Implications of the Ruling
This landmark ruling not only protects the Indian Express but also sets a precedent for the protection of press freedom in India. The judgment reaffirms the judiciary’s role in safeguarding democratic values against actions that threaten the independence of the press.
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