Dilip Kumar on Friday the official Twitter accounts of Bollywood-veteran Dilip Kumar had been released from Hinduja Hospital in Khar, informed fans. On June 6, after breathlessness, the actor was admitted.
Read a tweet on the website: “Dilip Saab goes home from the hospital with your love and affection and your prayers.
The endless mercy and goodness of God through Drs Gokhale, Parkar, Arun Shah and the whole Hinduja Khar team. #DilipKumar #healthUpdate. —Faiseau Farooqui #DilipKumar” The wife of the actor, Saira Banu, was seen while leaving the hospital with him.
She previously asked fans not to believe his death in rumours. She said: A few days ago in a note on Dilip Kumar’s Twitter account: “In recent days, Yousuf Khan, my loved one, has been uncomfortable and has recovered at Mumbai hospital.
I wish to thank all of you with this note for keeping him in your prayers and all of your love and love. My husband, my Kohinoor the health of Dilip Kumar Sahab is very stable and doctors told me he should soon be released.”
The actriz also wrote that she asked net citizens not to pay heed to rumours: “I would urge you not to trust rumours.
Whilst I ask you to pray for the health of Sahab, I pray that the Almighty will keep you healthy and safe during this pandemic.” Dilip Kumar has been admitted to the hospital for the second time in a month.