Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, recently shared a surprise broadcast on Twitter to showcase Twitter’s broadcast feature. In the broadcast, Musk said that native videos uploaded on Twitter will receive a better boost than external links, as more time is spent watching videos than clicking on links. He recommended that videos longer than 10 minutes with a resolution of 480p should be uploaded to receive more boost.
Insights into the Broadcast Feature
Musk’s impromptu broadcast featured low resolution and showed him sitting at the Twitter office in San Francisco. Musk’s colleagues were demonstrating the various features of Twitter’s broadcast feature. He observed that if a user double-taps on the video, floating heart emojis will be sent, similar to Instagram’s live streams. Musk joked about adding other reactions in the future, and there is no option to add user comments.
Reactions on Twitter
Twitter users reacted hilariously to Musk’s surprise broadcast, with some comparing it to popular live-streaming app Periscope.
Elon Musk’s recent Twitter broadcast aimed to showcase Twitter’s broadcast feature, and he also shared some insights into Twitter’s native video uploads. He recommended that users upload videos with a resolution of 480p, longer than 10 minutes, and natively on Twitter to receive a better
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