In a significant breakthrough, Jammu and Kashmir police have successfully dismantled a terror module that was facilitating the infiltration of militants from Pakistan. This operation marks a crucial step in the ongoing efforts to curb cross-border terrorism.
Infiltration Network Exposed
The busted module was reportedly involved in assisting infiltrators from Pakistan by providing logistical support and safe passage. The police have arrested several key operatives connected to the network, further unraveling the extent of their operations.
Implications for Regional Security
This successful operation highlights the persistent threats posed by cross-border terrorism in the region. The police’s swift action has dealt a severe blow to the terror infrastructure, reinforcing the importance of vigilant security measures along the border.
Ongoing Investigations
Investigations are ongoing to identify and apprehend other members of the module. Authorities are also probing the financial and material support provided to the group, aiming to dismantle the entire network and prevent future infiltrations.
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