In a recent encounter in the Shopian district of Jammu and Kashmir, security forces successfully neutralized a militant associated with The Resistance Front (TRF), identified as an offshoot of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). The operation was initiated following intelligence about the presence of militants in the Kathohalan area of South Kashmir.
Cordon and Search Operation Unveils Militant Presence
Prompted by the received information, security forces launched a cordon and search operation in the Kathohalan area. The encounter ensued as the security personnel were conducting the operation and came under fire from the militants. In the exchange, one militant from TRF was confirmed deceased.
Identity Yet to be Disclosed
The identity of the deceased militant is currently undisclosed, pending further investigation. Authorities are actively working on revealing more details related to the individual.
Incriminating Materials Recovered
The Kashmir Zone Police, in a post on X, confirmed the affiliation of the militant with TRF. Additionally, incriminating materials, including arms and ammunition, were recovered from the possession of the deceased terrorist.
Ongoing Investigation
The security forces continue their search operation in the area, aiming to gather more information and details related to the encounter.
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