In a significant breakthrough, the Gautam Buddha Nagar police have successfully dismantled a notorious gang involved in a spree of theft and dacoity cases spanning Noida and other NCR regions. The operation, conducted on Wednesday, resulted in the arrest of seven individuals and the recovery of items valued at approximately Rs 25 lakh.
Gang’s Criminal Spree
The police revealed that the gang, armed with illegal firearms, had been operating for around five months. During this time, they carried out multiple thefts and dacoity incidents, leaving a trail of criminal activities in their wake.
Loot Worth Rs 25 Lakh Recovered
Among the arrested individuals, the police confiscated items worth around Rs 25 lakh, underscoring the scale of the gang’s criminal enterprise. Despite the successful operation, one suspect remains at large, prompting continued efforts to bring all members to justice.
Swift Police Action
The Gautam Buddha Nagar police acted swiftly, employing strategic measures to apprehend the culprits and put an end to their criminal activities. The arrest of these individuals marks a significant achievement in curbing organized crime in the region.
Ongoing Investigations
As the investigation unfolds, authorities are expected to delve deeper into the gang’s operations, aiming to uncover any potential connections or accomplices. The successful bust serves as a testament to the dedicated efforts of law enforcement agencies in maintaining public safety.
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