Malayalam actor Nivin Pauly has been booked in a rape case, which has recently come to light. The allegations, brought forward by an unnamed individual, have sparked significant media attention.
Actor’s Denial
Nivin Pauly has responded to the allegations, labeling them as “entirely untrue.” In a statement, the actor firmly denied any involvement in the incident and expressed his intention to clear his name through legal channels.
Ongoing Investigation
The authorities are currently investigating the case, and further details are expected to emerge as the process unfolds. The actor’s legal team is cooperating with the investigation and has promised to address the accusations thoroughly.
Public and Media Reaction
The case has garnered widespread coverage in the media, with public reactions ranging from concern to skepticism. The actor’s supporters have rallied behind him, emphasizing the need for a fair and transparent investigation.
As the investigation progresses, both the public and the media await more information. Nivin Pauly’s legal team continues to assert his innocence, and the actor remains committed to proving his side of the story.
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