In a deeply sorrowful incident, Urdu journalist Zaheeruddin Ali Khan suffered a cardiac arrest while participating in the funeral procession of revolutionary balladeer Gaddar in Alwal on Monday. At 63 years old, Khan held the esteemed position of Managing Editor at Siasat, a leading Urdu newspaper based in Hyderabad. Tragically, Khan collapsed while walking in the funeral procession and was swiftly transported to a private hospital, where he later succumbed.
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Unfortunate Events
The unfortunate chain of events continues with a tragic incident involving a salesgirl in Hyderabad, who lost her life after being pushed in front of a water tanker by her boyfriend. The Telangana Assembly, on a different note, passed the TSRTC Merger Bill after receiving approval from Governor Soundararajan.
A Farewell to Gaddar
Telangana bids a solemn farewell to folk singer Gaddar, as he passes away and is set to be cremated with state honors. The state also boasts progress in the face of communal issues, as KTR highlights Telangana’s path forward.
Tension Amid Despair
Amid the sorrow, tension erupts near the Telangana Assembly as Congress workers demand compensation for flood victims, showcasing the challenges that the state is grappling with.
Headlining News
In other top stories, a lively debate unfolds during a No-Confidence Motion session, with Nishikant Dubey commenting on the ironic state of affairs. The Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, RS, suspends TMC MP Derek O’Brien, and Gaurav Gogoi leads a No-Confidence Motion in the Lok Sabha, which faces objections from the government. PM Modi addresses Delhi Services Bill and more at a BJP Parliamentary Meeting, while the ED investigates suspicious foreign funding in NewsClick worth Rs 86 Crore.
Remembering Zaheeruddin Ali Khan
In a poignant moment, a prominent figure in Hyderabad, Zaheeruddin Ali Khan, meets an untimely end during the funeral procession of Gaddar. Khan’s active involvement in the Telangana movement and dedicated community service left a lasting impact. He shared a close association with Gaddar and played a significant role as a news editor during the movement. Telangana’s Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and Union Minister for Tourism and Culture, G Kishan Reddy, express heartfelt condolences. Telangana’s Home Minister, Mohammed Mahmood Ali, emphasizes Khan’s commitment to the country’s progress and his contributions, spanning journalism and scholarships for Urdu-medium students.
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