s Bollywood eagerly anticipates the release of Sriram Raghavan’s Ikkis, all eyes are on two budding stars: Simar Bhatia and Agastya Nanda. Making her acting debut, Simar Bhatia has received an outpouring of love and support, particularly from her uncle, Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar. Ahead of the film’s release, Akshay penned a touching tribute to his niece, celebrating her journey into the film industry.
Key Highlights:
Akshay Kumar’s Emotional Note for Simar Bhatia
Akshay Kumar took to Instagram to express his pride and joy for Simar, sharing a photograph of her featured in a newspaper. Reflecting on his early career milestones, Akshay wrote,
“I remember the first time I saw my photo on the cover of the newspaper. I thought that’s the ultimate happiness. But today I know the happiness of seeing your child’s photo here beats everything. I wish my mom was here today, and she would have said, ‘Simar puttar tu tah Kamaal hai.’ Bless you, my baby, the sky is yours.”
Simar is the daughter of Akshay’s sister, Alka Bhatia, who is known to stay away from the limelight despite co-producing several films with Akshay. According to reports, Simar pursued her acting aspirations independently, securing her debut role in Ikkis through her own talent and determination.
What We Know About Ikkis
Directed by the acclaimed Sriram Raghavan, Ikkis is a coming-of-age drama that revisits the 1971 Indo-Pak War, focusing on the bond between a father and his son. The film stars Agastya Nanda as Second Lieutenant Arun Khetrapal, a Param Vir Chakra recipient, and legendary actor Dharmendra as Brigadier M.L. Khetrapal.
The title, Ikkis (meaning “twenty-one”), pays tribute to Arun Khetrapal’s young age when he made the ultimate sacrifice for his nation. His heroic story is immortalized by ‘Arun’s Chowk,’ a memorial at the very site of his brave stand during the war.
Simar Bhatia plays the romantic lead opposite Agastya Nanda, though details about her character remain under wraps.
Simar Bhatia: A Star in the Making
Despite coming from a film-oriented family, Simar has chosen to carve her own path in the industry. Her mother, Alka Bhatia, reportedly supported Simar’s aspirations but maintained a low profile in Bollywood circles.
A source close to the family shared,
“Simar has always been interested in acting and is thrilled to finally live her dream on a film set. Her journey has been one of dedication and hard work.”
The countdown to January 10, 2025, has begun, with audiences eagerly awaiting the release of Ikkis. The film promises a powerful story of sacrifice, family bonds, and youthful bravery, marking an impressive debut for Simar Bhatia.
Akshay Kumar’s heartfelt words capture the emotions of a family watching a new star rise. As Simar steps into the limelight, she brings a fresh perspective and undeniable talent to Bollywood’s next generation.
Stay tuned for more updates on Ikkis and the promising journeys of Simar Bhatia and Agastya Nanda.
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