The makers of “The Kerala Story” have announced a special screening of the movie for the students of Film and Television Institute of India (FTII). Directed by Sudipto Sen, the film portrays the forced conversion and recruitment of women from Kerala by the terror group Islamic State (IS). Produced by Vipul Shah’s Sunshine Pictures, the movie has garnered attention and sparked controversy since its release on May 5.
Excitement for the Future of the Industry
Vipul Shah expressed excitement about the upcoming screening at FTII, emphasizing that it offers an opportunity to gauge the students’ perspective on “The Kerala Story.” Shah sees the students as the future of the industry and is curious to know their interpretation and viewpoint. He looks forward to an interesting and exciting experience and anticipates a fun interaction with the students.
Polarizing Reception and Bans
The release of “The Kerala Story” has sparked polarized opinions and political debates across the country. On May 8, the West Bengal government banned the film due to concerns of potential tensions among communities. Additionally, theaters in Tamil Nadu decided to discontinue its screening from May 7, citing both the law-and-order situation and a low audience turnout.
Supreme Court Intervention
However, on Thursday, the Supreme Court intervened and stayed the ban imposed by the West Bengal government. The court also urged Tamil Nadu to ensure the safety of moviegoers. These developments have allowed the film to continue its screening, providing an opportunity for audiences to form their own opinions about “The Kerala Story.”
Lead Cast and Box Office Success
Starring Adah Sharma in the lead role, “The Kerala Story” also features Yogita Bihani, Sonia Balani, and Siddhi Idnani. Vipul Shah serves as the film’s creative director and co-writer. At the domestic box office, the movie has achieved significant success, having raised over Rs 150 crore.
“The Kerala Story” is set to be screened at FTII, offering an exciting opportunity for students to engage with the film. The controversy surrounding the movie, including bans and legal interventions, has added to its notoriety. With its powerful depiction of forced conversions and recruitment, the film has stimulated discussion and polarized opinions among audiences.
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