The second wave of COVID-19 saw an increase in the number and deaths of infected persons. Our lives have been changed by the deadly COVID-19 virus for ever.

This virus is not only very contagious, but also airborne, and therefore only things that save you can bear a mask and practise good hand hygiene.
Although it is not recommended to travel, it is sometimes required and urgent in such scary and unprecedented times.
There are some tips that you should remember if you have to travel despite the spread of the virus to protect yourself efficiently.
Wear a mask always: because you will meet new people and go to other places, you always need to wear a mask.
Double masking can also be followed to guard yourself and others against this deadly virus and remain safe and healthy.
Cleanliness and sanitation: make sure that the place is safe, hygienic and clean, wherever you choose to stay in a hotel. Ensuring that the rooms are cleaned up regularly and that proper precautions and rules are followed.
The same applies to the restaurants in which you decide to eat.
Avoid crowds: Try to avoid crowded areas to your best. Do not walk out for peak hours or visit places which you know are always crowded. Keep distance from others and stay at least 6 feet away.
Keep a bag sanitizer with you. It is best always to keep a bag sanitizer with you, because you will touch commonly touched surfaces like lift buttons, handles, knot,etc. Without sanitising your hands, don’t touch your face or eat anything.