The Supreme Court has granted bail to Ashish Mishra, the son of Union Minister Ajay Mishra Teni, who is accused of killing protesting farmers in Lakhimpur Kheri, Uttar Pradesh in 2021. However, he has been ordered to leave Uttar Pradesh within one week and banned from staying in the state or nearby areas in Delhi while on bail. The court also warned that any attempt by Ashish Mishra or his family to influence witnesses would result in the cancellation of his bail.
On October 3, 2021, Ashish Mishra’s SUV allegedly ran over four farmers and a journalist during a protest march against three controversial farm laws. The incident sparked violence that resulted in the deaths of the SUV driver and two BJP workers. Ashish Mishra was arrested days later.
The families of the farmers have accused Ajay Mishra, a powerful BJP leader and the country’s junior Home Minister, of pressuring and bullying witnesses. Ashish Mishra had previously challenged the Allahabad High Court’s rejection of his bail.
Senior advocate Dushyant Dave, who opposed the bail, said it would “send a terrible message” to society, while Mukul Rohatgi, representing Ashish Mishra, argued that his client has been in custody for over a year and that the trial could take seven to eight more years. Ashish Mishra and 12 others will face trial for murder and criminal conspiracy among other charges.
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