The Hindustan Herald team interviewed Sh. Vaibhav Maloo and talked about the energy issues in India, the future of energy, renewable energy sources, and what can be done for the world to tackle climate change.
Q. What according to you can possibly replace The Conventional Sources of Energy?
Nuclear power. Two words.
Q. Will The Fossil Fuel Based Energy Generation be prevalent in The future or do you expect Renewable Resources to Completely Takeover ?
I personally wish renewable energy takes over but I see marginal role in the near future and hence, it’s net zero as a target for now, not a complete zero. However, looking at distant future and creating a scenario where technologies permit this, we can have zero emissions also. That means, hydrocarbons will have no use except act as raw materials. They will one day no longer be required as a source of energy.
Q. Role Of ENSO Group in Promoting Cleaner and Greener Ways Of Energy
Enso Group has resolved to use cleaner and carbon friendly techniques of using energy sustainably in our projects. We have also been dealing with oil and gas industry in a sustainable way, and aim to be early movers in government of India goals of net zero, as well as be a world leader in the same sphere. We have been promoting green lifestyles too, such as cycling.
Q. What Can India Do To Meet Their Future Green and Clean Energy Goals?
We have to depend largely on nuclear power and solar power, as well as encourage sustainable solar powered buildings where the generated electricity goes into the micro grid and is shared and stored. This has cost benefits as well as environmentally it is utopia. We have committed and now must stick to net zero goals. India is one country where the government is doing immensely towards this sphere and the good work must go on.
Q. How has Geopolitics influenced the issues of Climate Change over the years?
Geopolitics has created a rift between oil backed economies and clean tech samaritans who are playing a tug of war which I hope turns out in favour of clean tech. The visible effects of climate change cannot be ignored and we must aim to pollute less, and that is what common sense teaches us. Even between oil and gas and coal, gas based technologies are the cleanest. Geopolitics often comes in the way of the way of mitigating climate change through clean tech, by increasing or decreasing hydrocarbon prices and also causing economic turbulences causing net zero mission to be derailed. Geopolitical problems also shift focus.
Q. With newer technologies being invented , such as one to Generate Artificial Rains , currently being Used in Countries like Dubai and China , does it possess a bigger threat to environment?
Long term effects of artificially induced rain that countries like China, UAE and Russia have used are unknown; as well as technologies to avoid rainfall are also available, but we don’t know what the future holds but I believe the technology does not pose any serious threat to the environment at large.
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