Leader of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) allegedly was taken by protesting farmers in the Punjab city as hostage with family members and then rescued by the police early in Monday following a 12-hour riot and high court intervention.

The leaders of the Partido Bharatiya Janata (BJP) were allegedly taken into the hostages of protest farmers in a city of Punjab with family members and later saved by the police in the early Monday following a protest session lasting 12 hours.
The invention took place on Sunday evening in Rajpura, some 40 kilometres from the capital of the state, and was taken as a hostage by State Secretary General Bhupesh Aggarwal and others at home.
Aggarwal told the press that a day earlier, together with other leaders of the party and workers in Bharat Vikas Parishad, he gathered in town for a district party meeting.
The farmers reached and disrupted the meeting place. Then they decided to meet in a house and they gathered there. They decided. The farmers arrived and kept them rebellious by snapping water and electricity.
In a social media video, demonstrators were able to see local councillor Shanti Swarup chasing and sniffing his clothes while police take him away. It happened on Sunday. This incident happened.
The police refused to be attacked, however. A team of police led by Deputy General Inspector Vikramjit Duggal were on the spot to rescue the prison leaders and to escort them into security.
The situation was tense all night long. When the hollow leaders of the police were rescued, they claimed the farmers chased, exploited, and scoffed at them. They have also pelted their vehicles with stones.
But farmer leader Prem Singh Bhangu accused Aggarwal by abusively using language of provoking farmers. He told the incident that the bodyguard at Aggarwal pointed a pistol to protest farmers in peace.
Late in Sunday the BJP approached High Court in Punjab and Haryana and tried to intervene To guide the state to ensure that those alleged to be unlawfully detained “have adequate safety in their safety and that none of them are harmed,” Justice Suvir Sehgal requested that, on 12 July at 14:00, the state submit the report.
As BJP President Ashwani Sharma said, “It is an attack on democracy, reacting to the attack on party leaders. In Punjab the police are completely lawless as spectators are mute.”
The farmers in Punjab and Haryana were protesting the laws on farming because they felt that they would pave the way for dismantling the MSP system, thus leaving it to big business.
The BJP leaders are also boycotted. Last October, 30-40 persons with bricks and sticks in the vicinity of the toll-plaza in Hoshiarpur attacked the vehicle that BJP chief Ashwani Sharma was in.
The police fired lacquered gas shells in January and used water cannons for dispersing protest farmers who stormed and went on the scene to tackle Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar’s “kisan mahapanchayate.”