Days after the deadly triple train crash in Odisha that claimed 288 lives and left over 1000 people injured, the ill-fated Coromandel Express is scheduled to resume its services on Wednesday, according to the official statement by Chief Public Relations Officer of Railway, Aditya Kumar Chaudhary. The devastating accident occurred on June 2 when the Coromandel Express collided with a stationary goods train, resulting in the derailment of several coaches. As a result, a few coaches of the Coromandel Express toppled over the rear coaches of the Bengaluru-Howrah Express.
Investigation and Safety Measures
In the aftermath of the crash, three agencies, namely the CBI, Commissioner of Railway Safety (CRS), and Government Railway Police of Balasore, have initiated an investigation into the incident. Union Minister for Railways Ashwini Vaishnaw stated that the accident occurred due to a “change in electronic interlocking.” Electronic interlocking is a safety measure that prevents conflicting movements between trains through a system of tracks and signal apparatus. It ensures that signals are not changed in an improper sequence and allows a train to proceed only when the route is proven safe.
Restoration of Train Services
Train services have been restored on the repaired tracks and are running normally. A video posted by the news agency ANI shows the resumption of train services. Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw waved at the crew of a goods train and prayed for a safe journey as services resumed after 51 hours of the train accident in Balasore. He announced that normal train services on both lines have been restored after the accident.
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