In a surprising turn of events, West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar recently praised Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, calling him “their ladla” (beloved by the people), just days after his comments on farmers. This statement comes amid growing political discussions and scrutiny of the state’s agricultural policies.
Prodding Chouhan on Farmers’ Welfare
Earlier, Dhankhar had criticized Chouhan over the state’s handling of farmer welfare, prompting concerns about the relationship between the two leaders. Dhankhar’s earlier remarks focused on the government’s lack of support for the farming community, which had sparked a debate in the political landscape of Madhya Pradesh.
A Sudden Shift: Praising the Chief Minister
However, in a new development, Dhankhar shifted his stance by lauding Chouhan, stating that he would be seen as the “ladla” of farmers in Madhya Pradesh. This unexpected praise has left many political observers speculating about the reasons behind this change in tone, especially after his earlier comments.
The Political Ramifications
This praise comes at a time when political leaders are closely watching any developments related to farmer welfare in the state. While some view Dhankhar’s statement as a strategic move to gain favor with the people, others believe it is an attempt to reconcile with Chouhan amidst growing tensions in the political sphere.
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