The Directorate of Health Science (DHS Assam) is preparing to hold a written test for Grade 4 positions. The written examination is set on June 19, 2022. (Sunday). Candidates applying for Assam Grade 4 Recruitment 2022 and sitting in the DHS Assam Grade 4 Exam can obtain the DHS Assam Grade 4 Admit Card 2022 from the official websites, which are,,, and According to the official announcement, the DHS Assam Admit Card Link will go live on June 10, 2022.

Download Instructions
1. Go to the official websites of DHS, DHSFW, DME, or ‘Ayush’.
2. Go to the official website and click on the admit card link.
3. It will take you to a new page where you must enter your information.
4. Get your grade IV admit card. Step 5: Make a printout of it for future reference. The Assam Government has issued a notification to fill the positions of Animal Keeper, Aya, Attendants, Office Peon, Chowkidar, Sweeper, Mali, Museum Keeper, Ward Boy, Ward Girl, Electrical Helper, Field Worker, Insect Collector, Lab Attendant, Lab Bearer, OT Attendant, OPD Attendant, Outdoor Attendant, Superior Field Worker, Watchman, Ayurvedic Grade 4, Carpenter Helper, Dhobi/Wash
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