It’s no fun to get flu. It can steal your tranquillity, as you can’t do your daily business easily. Today, we help you to dismantle all the myths about the grip.

Myth 1: Grip can come from the grip Fect: The flu shot is a virus that is not infected, which is inactivated. A virus inactivated is grown and killed in a laboratory.
Remember the dead virus can’t get you sick, but it only helps the body build a live virus immunity. Therefore, people who get sick after the flu shot got sick anyway. You knew that? This much-needed shot protection takes about a week or two. After the shot, they assume that I get sick
Myth 2: I’m sound I don’t have to be fired Fact: If you have a substantial condition, your risk of getting severe flu complications is higher. But even people who are strong and healthy can be sick from influenza. Don’t think healthy persons won’t get the flu, therefore. “Better than cure” recall prevention.
Myth 3: The only way to keep grip off is by getting the grip Fact: You have to get away from people who are sick even after you have got a flu shot, wash your hands occasionally, do not go to crowded areas and take antiviral medication, as the doctor suggests.
Myth 4: You’re OK to get a grip just once in a lifetime Fact: This is absolutely not true. Every year the influenza virus changes. It is therefore crucial to be vaccinated each year to ensure you are immune to the strains which can lead to an outbreak.
Myth 5: Women who are pregnant should avoid flu shots Fact: It’s a myth that must be torn apart. Do not believe that the flu shot can result in a miscarriage of pregnant women.
Indeed, the experts recommend pregnant women for influenza shots and influenza preventation. A pregnancy flu vaccine protects the child against flu even after a babysitting month if the baby is not old eno for a few months