Follow …! Hibiscus flowers are colourful, scented and believe or not, and can be cultivated on the backyard! They are available in various white, pink and red colours. It is known as tropical flowers…

But it can grow and thrive in a variety of environments, contrary to that. Rose mallow, Rose of sharon, Hardy Hibiscus and Tropical Hibiscus are the four most popular types of hibiscus flowers.
Each has its own needs for lighting, irrigation and soiling. There are a few things to consider, therefore, if you want to keep a hibiscus flora in your house.
Choose a sunny location: Keep your hibiscus plant in direct sunlight for at least 3-4 hours per day for it to thrive and grow. Even in the winter, make sure to place it in a well-lit and sunny location.
Watering requirements If you notice the leaves turning yellow, this could be an indication of dehydration. Only water your plant when the soil feels dry after touching it. Water it once a week in the summer and twice a month in the winter.
Replant during the winter months: Replant your hibiscus in a larger pot during the winter months when it is dormant, as it blooms and thrives during the summer months.
Plant them in the appropriate container. Choose a pot that is not too deep when planting your hibiscus plant to ensure that it produces flowers. It should be wide enough for it to grow but not too deep, as this would cause it to focus on growing its roots in the pot rather than growing flowers.