In a recent case in Pune, Head Constable Anil Pawar of the Railway Protection Force (RPF) faces serious accusations of raping a minor girl and molesting another at a shelter home. Pawar, who was apprehended on December 12 after evading authorities for 45 days, has vehemently denied any involvement with the shelter home.
Legal Interrogation
The Government Railway Police (GRP) has taken charge of the investigation and is currently interrogating Pawar regarding the allegations. The constable has maintained his innocence, asserting that he has no connection to the shelter home where the reported incidents occurred.
Previous Statements
In a conversation with The Indian Express last month, Pawar claimed to be entirely unaware of the shelter’s existence. He further asserted that the documents used to register the NGO associated with the shelter were obtained by another individual, Rathod, under different pretenses.
Arrest and Ongoing Investigation
Pawar’s arrest and subsequent questioning mark a significant development in this case. As the legal proceedings unfold, the authorities aim to establish the veracity of the accusations against the RPF head constable.
The case raises critical questions about the accountability of law enforcement officials and the need for a thorough examination of the evidence to determine the truth behind the allegations. The investigation is ongoing, and further updates will follow as the legal process unfolds.
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