The PM Modi has been instrumental in louanging doctors and others in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. On Thursday, on the occasion of National Doctors’ Day, Premier Narendra Modi will speak at the medical fraternity.
The Indian Medical Association is organising the event (IMA). Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, a former chief minister of West Bengal, has been celebrated on his Day to celebrate his anniversary of birth and death on July 1.
PM Modi had said earlier in a tweet: «All the doctors’ efforts to fight COVID-19 are proud of India. July 1 is marked as the day of the national physicians.
Tomorrow at 15:00h the community of doctors will address a @IMAIndiaOrg programme. ” The Prime Minister has played a leading role in the control of the Covid-19 pandemic and honoured doctors and other physicians.
On Sunday PM Modi recalled Dr BC Roy in his husband Ki Baat. PM Modi said, “We will celebrate the Day of Doctors on July1st, and we’ll do so in the wake of the Day of Doctors.
We have to thank our doctors for ensuring that the challenges posed by Covid-19 are not faced by India.” In 1991, the Indian government set the Day of the Doctors to recognise BC Roy’s contributions.
In the establishment of India’s Medical Council and Indian Medical Association he played an important role. This day celebrates the role of physicians in this nation’s progress.