Headache is one of the most prevalent diseases on the planet. One group wanted to evaluate and summarise data from the numerous studies on this subject that were available. Which of the following are the most common types of headaches? How long does it last? Their findings were published in the journal Headache and Pain Journal on April 12.
What are the most common migraine headache types?
The authors considered all studies published between 1961 and 2020 on the topic “Headache” in the form of a Spread and an epidemiology. Data was extracted and analysed using two different statistical methods: two-dimensional analysis and a multiple linear regression model. There were 357 publications in total that were examined.
There were four types of headaches identified: generalised headaches, migraines, tension headaches, and headaches lasting more than 15 days per month.
The most common type of prolonged headache is a tension headache. Concerning pain In the skull, there are three levels of intensity: continuous, medium, and diffuse. It is exacerbated by anxiety or stress rather than exacerbated by effort. Accompanied by inability to concentrate.
Migraine Symptoms It happens during times of crisis. The pain is throbbing and is localised on one side of the head. Pain, unlike tension headaches, is caused by an increase in voltage.
Every year, one in every two people
There are few studies available in moderately developing countries and even fewer in less developed countries. The prevalence of headaches of all types was around 52 percent in most developed countries, 14 percent for migraines, 26 percent for tension headaches, and 4.6 percent for headaches lasting more than 15 days per month.
When presented in a different way, this means that approximately 16% of the world’s population suffers from it on a daily basis. Since the authors used publications from the last 60 years, the prevalence of headaches of all types appears to be increasing from year to year, though this cannot be confirmed with certainty.
Furthermore, headache affects women (57.8 percent) more frequently than men (57.8 percent) over a year (44.4 percent ). In terms of age, headaches are more common after puberty and up to 60 years old. The elderly, children, and teenagers are the least affected.
A better understanding and accurate characterization of headache in the population would allow public health policies to be adjusted. This necessitates research in low and middle-income countries. Furthermore, the authors point out that using standardised questionnaires will allow them to compare data from different studies.