On Friday, more than three years after the Supreme Court recommended that the court live-stream its hearings, the court will begin live-streaming its first proceedings.
The proceedings of the ceremonial bench that will bid farewell to Chief Justice of India NV Ramana will be live-streamed through a webcast portal, according to a notice posted on the website of India’s highest court.
For the first time, the Supreme Court will live-stream its proceedings, though it is unclear whether this will become a regular feature or if the telecast of the ceremonial bench proceedings is a pilot project.
According to HH, the Supreme Court’s e-Committee, which is currently led by Justice Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud, has been working on a proposal to launch a dedicated platform for streaming court proceedings live.
India’s e-courts project aims to integrate technology into the country’s judicial system. The project’s third stage proposed a one-of-a-kind streaming platform for Supreme Court hearings.
Article 21 of the Constitution guarantees equal access to the courts to all citizens. In September 2018, the Supreme Court ruled that live streaming of court proceedings falls under this protection.
Following that, the Supreme Court of India’s e-Committee drafted a prototype set of rules for online streaming of courtroom proceedings.
Only the high courts of Gujarat, Orissa, Karnataka, Jharkhand, and Patna, as well as Madhya Pradesh, currently stream their proceedings live on YouTube.
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