Katrina Kaif‘s workout….! It is now well known that Covid-19 not only infects and severely weakens the body’s respiratory system. Experts therefore advise patients to take it extremely slowly during the recovery stage, particularly in fitness routines and other hard work.

So it is important that you get clearance from your doctor before resuming your exercise routine. Katrina Kaif recently told the actor how she trusted in her body and gradually returned to her pre-Covid routine. “Return here! I had to be patient with myself to get back to workout, post-covid.
You must keep pace and listen to your body. You’ve got good days and then you feel good days Going slowly and trusting the healing process of your body and giving time – step-by-step,” she added.
You should note that nobody fits everybody in health and fitness. The recovery of every individual is different and depends on the body, immunity, infection severity and various sequelae. This is the time to listen to your body and go slowly.
This is the time to relax and give your body the time you need to heal and recover. If you have moderate to severely infected people, you can start your fitness routine comparatively soon.
After recovery, Anand shares a fitness system that will help you reg “The first step, however, is to consult your doctor before you start your physical fitness journey after recovery,” she said.
It is extremely crucial to start the first four weeks after you recover, and you should slow down. You should concentrate on recovering your lung strength and absorbing oxygen in one month.
In this way, practise fundamental breathing exercises such as diaphragm, blowing balls or using spirometers. You should concentrate on restoring flexibility and mobility and can enjoy light stretches. In addition, 10 minutes twice a day you can start to walk comfortably.
After one month, the intensity of walks can be increased and the duration gradually increased. But you should keep a constant eye on your heart rate and make sure that it is not too high.
This is why HIIT training is not recommended and is strictly non-existent. However, you could use a yoga mat, a foam roller, a body band and yoga blocks to practise asanas and pilates to restore your lost strength and reinforce your muscles. You can add squats, lungs, boards and modified push-ups on your daily routine in the fourth to sixth week.
But this is not the time to begin cardio or HIIT programmes at high intensity. However, you are able to start weighing lightly, including booty strips, and light stunts, and ultimately take up speed according to your comfort and doctor’s advice. After 6 to 8 weeks, your heart rate is constantly monitored.
You can start with light weight lifting with shorter weight sets and then increase your weight and number over the weeks according to your comfort. Products such as adjustable bumpers and kettlebells can be used.