Is your favourite tea the perfect way? Tea Leaves have several varieties and are about 3000 years old and 24 million different ways of producing a cup of tea are available.

It can be a tricky task to brew that perfect cup of tea. Tea is a complicated part of our everyday life, everybody has a way of brewing tea. Here, we share tips for brewing this perfect cuppa.
Always use the best way of improving your tea and giving it a full taste: loose leaf tea. These are more eco-friendly. “Loose leaf tea is probably going to give a full taste because the best quality leaf is usually kept intact for this” said Dr Stuart Farrimond, tea expert at CNN Travel.
According to a Washington report, teas of low quality are consumed in bags with higher levels of bitter tannins, which can be masked by the binding of milk proteins. Use a proper vessel: it is important that you know which boat you taste perfectly and that your tea is not bland. A china mug or cup is the perfect serving to serve your brew according to Dr. Farrimond: a major no-no is a cup of styrofoam.
“These mops are made of synthesised material that makes tea bland. Hard water scum is also guilty of playing tea nuances.” Did you know that even the colour can affect the taste of your vessel?
When to pour boiling water: wait 30 seconds for the boiling water to be poured over the tea. What’s the way to go? According to Hindustan Times, after boiling and cooling the water, add the tea or tea bags. Keep in mind, however, that each tea is different, which requires a different water temperature during brewing or stirring.
For example, by plunging it into not so hot water, you can enjoy green tea perfectly. If the water’s really hot, green tea will taste bitter. Respire your tea: take your teapot or cup off your deck while you steep it.
Allow oxygen to enhance the taste, since it is important for tea. Do not use tap, water heated: It might add that strange chemical taste to your tea without using tap water for tea.
Water is not good too because of the loss of oxygen. Quantity: If you like strong tea, you must know how much tea you use, because it affects your taste as well.