In a progressive and materialistic society today, there are a very few people who actually contribute towards society. Today we bring you the story of such an individual who established a foundation to help the poor and needy.
Srimaan Ramachandra Raja is a politician, and social worker who has been helping the underprivileged and marginal sections of the society over the past number of years.
Born and brought up in Rajapalayam, Chennai , Raja has completed his studies in MBA. He was always passionate about helping people and serving the society. Therefore He founded a non profit organisation which goes by the name of Shree Welfare Foundation. The organisation primarily focuses on helping and assisting the marginal and poor sections of the society. He has always been quite fascinated and curious about the political process in India. And he feels that if he ever gets a chance to be a part of the system he would be able to work better for the society. Raja has been working very hard to gain prominence in the diplomatic arena and the political framework. And is also tested some success on various occasions.
He was appointed to the Sansad Ratna Awards Committee and served as the G20 global summit’s director and vice-chairperson. He joined the NSUI National Students Union of India and later became Vice President of Virudhnagar District under the leadership of Manickam Tagore MP.

He currently bears the expense of 20 underprivileged school kids and also gives medical assistance worth more than 6 lacs through his NGO. His organisation recently funded more than 2.5 Lakh rupees for students all over India. The NGO is actively engaged in the reorganization and upliftment of widows which looks after their skill development and making them self sufficient.
In a world full of greed and ego there even brothers kill each other for position and power Srimaan Ramachandra Raja projects a great example for our upcoming generations to be kindful and compassionate towards those who are underprivileged and need our help.
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