On May 29, World Digestive Day is marked to raise awareness of the wide range of digestive ailments and diseases, many of which are life-threatening. The day was established in 2004, on the 45th anniversary of the founding of the World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO). The day’s goal is to discuss not just different sorts of digestive difficulties, but also their prevalence, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
History of World Digestive Health Day
On May 31, 2004, WGO was commemorating its 45th foundation day when it was determined that the day would now be known as World Digestive Health Day (WDHD). The day also marks the start of WGO’s year-long cycle of public health awareness programmes.

The Importance of World Digestive Health Day
WGO has 117 member societies worldwide that contribute to the World Digestive Health Day programme. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), several million individuals worldwide suffer from stomach-related problems. WGO aims to raise general knowledge about stomach concerns through a variety of scientific events, poster presentations, exhibitions, and hands-on workshops.
Theme of World Digestive Health Day
This year’s World Digestive Health Day has the topic ‘Colorectal Cancer Prevention: Getting Back on Track.’ Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the world’s second highest cause of cancer-related death, according to the World Health Organization. WGO has resolved to raise awareness of the disease’s importance through awareness programmes and annual public advocacy. The organisation will also emphasise methods for preventing CRC and measures for lowering the chance of developing it.