Visuals from tourist attractions of people mingling without following COVID protocols are a “serious cause of concern,” according to a senior government official on Friday, who also stated that lowering of guard cannot be accepted at this time.

“We can’t afford to relax our guard. A new risk is being observed at markets and tourist destinations where there is a gathering of crowds, social distancing, and mask protocol is not being followed.
Dr VK Paul, Member-Health of Niti Aayog said at a press conference held here “This is a grave cause for concern. “People who mix without Covide’s protocols have serious concerns about visuals from tourist destinations.”
This was highlighted during the meeting of Prime Ministers of the Union Cabinet. Dr Paul also said the local government is responsible for implementing Covid Protocols at tourist sites.
He also says that it is very important for pregnant women to received the vaccine. “The Ministry has issued guidelines for vaccinations for pregnant women.
It is entitled to use three vaccines. The vaccine should be given to pregnant women, which is very important. If a woman has COVID-19 during pregnancy, her severity increases.
Pre-mature delivery complications and opportunities also increased. The health of a woman and the child can be affected. During menstruation, vaccines can be given and infertility is not likely, “Dr Paul said that. He said.