Yoga is an excellent tool for regular fitness. The knowledge to your health is a holistic and scientific treasure trove.

Yoga can be useful to improve your health by yoga pose, which results in deeper spinal cords, improvement of core strength, openness of shoulders and chest, and improvement of flexibility and balance.
You can see your practise evolving by making Yoga an integral part of your lifestyle. This also allows you to make your body more aware and appreciated. Every day, new moving techniques, new ones, etc. can be discovered or rediscovered.
Yoga extensions help to correct the position after many hours on a computer. Savithriasana:: posture development Draw your arms and stretch them. Advancement You should have your arms, spine, hips and thighs Keep and normal breathing
Padangushtasana: posture development Lift both legs from a sitting position Hold your big toes, inhale your arms, and look up Shoot out and pick up Take care in the practise to keep the legs and knees straight.
You may need to bend your knees to do this when you are a beginner. Slowly lift your knees with practise
Vasishtasana: posture building Start with Santholanasan (Plank) Remove your right hand from the ground with your left hand firmly on the ground.
Turn right, lift your right leg from the ground and put it on your left leg Lift up your right arm Stay in contact with both your knees, the heels and the feet. Make sure both arms and shoulders are linear Turn your head and take a right look Take a little asana On the left, repeat the same thing.
Vasishtasana: posture building Start with Santholanasan (Plank) Remove your right hand from the ground with your left hand firmly on the ground.
Turn right, lift your right leg from the ground and put it on your left leg Lift up your right arm Stay in contact with both your knees, the heels and the feet.
Make sure both arms and shoulders are linear Turn your head and take a right look Take a little asana On the left, repeat the same thing.
Posture formation: stretch your legs and turn right to the right side. Knee right, hold straight on your left leg Leave your arms on your side Place your right palm before your right foot Stretch left to the sky See the left hand palm. On the other hand, repeat
The correction of bad position by scientific realignment of the organ to the overall health is one of the most important advantages of yoga asanas. Poor posture is responsible for many physical difficulties.
It places a lot of stress on your spine, from mild discomfort to chronic pain, leading to headaches and breathing difficulties.
Yoga asanas extend the whole body. On 21 June, in celebration of the International Yoga Day, Yoga Guru Grand Master Akshar started a 21-day campaign to support people who have a healthy and mental at home through yoga.
The ‘Chalo Abhyas Badhayen’ campagne was called. On 1 June, a 21-day campaign was launched and millions of people from various parts of the world have already attended.