Kerala is under severe weekend lockdown, even though Covid-19 shutdown guidelines are in place until 16 June. Additional reinforced measures imposed for the weekend prohibit taking parcels but permit the supply of food at home.

Building activities shall be allowed in accordance with strict social distancing standards.
The CM had said on 12th and 13th June the restrictions would be “serious” (total lockdown). The BMC also stated that the same restrictions will be enforced throughout Mumbai, with no new curbs being implemented for the time being.
The BMC decision comes at a time when many cities, including Pune and Nagpur, are planning to open up even more due to a drop in cases.
The Maharashtra government announced a five-step unlock plan last week, under which the state’s districts were divided into five levels based on weekly positivity rate and oxygen bed occupancies.
Districts with a positive rate of less than 5% and an occupancy of below 25% with oxygen beds were allowed to unlock without any restriction at the first level.
In addition, second level was designed for regions with a Positivity of less than 5% and Oxygen beds of 25-40%. In districts below level 2, shops can reopen. But there have been partial relaxation at malls, restaurants, gyms and lounges.
Most notably, the rate of infections in Mumbai fell to 4.40% and the occupancy of oxygen bed was 27.12%. Consequently, Mumbai can shift to lower-2 limits in accordance with the criteria of the state government.
The basic and the non-essential shops are allowed to remain open until 4:00 p.m. under level-3 restrictions, although malls, plays and multiplexes remain closed. It is allowed to travel on suburban local trains only for essential services and government personnel.